Starting a Business in Paris
Understand the legal framework and tax considerations for starting a business in France.
Business Registration
Business Structures and Registering a Business in France
Registering a Business in France
property database is updated on a daily basis so it is possible to view new property for sale every time you visit.
Micro-Entrepreneur Business in France
property database is updated on a daily basis so it is possible to view new property for sale every time you visit.
Starting a Business in France
provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 190 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level.
Set up Company in France
The company formation procedure in France.
Entreprise Individuelle (EI)
Self-employed Workers and Sole Traders: Entreprise Individuelle (EI)
How to Set up an EURL or a SARL
Creating a small to medium operating entity: understand the different company structures available.
Start Business in France
Professional answers and advice on starting and running a small business in France, e.g. auto-entrepreneur SARL, EURL, SAS etc.
Start Business in France
France: operating a business
Legal Forms of Companies | The Active Population in Figures | Working Conditions | The Cost of Labour | Management of Human Resources
Regulated Professions
Understand the restrictions on both regulated professions and foreign companies.
Creating and Running a Non-Profit Association in France
Information on how to form and run a non-profit association in France. This simple, legal organisation is appropriate for sports clubs, national groups, community and social organisations.
Tax Régimes: BIC, BNC and BA
Understanding the tax implications of setting up a business in France.
France: tax system
Tax Base For Resident and Foreign Companies
Taxation schemes for BICs
ax Base For Resident and Foreign Companies.
Closing down a business in France
Understand the main legal issues when closing down a business.
Employment Contracts in France
Understand what to expect from the system after accepting a position in France
Types of Job Contracts in France
Understand the various types of job contract that apply in France
Casual Labour in France
Understand the Cheque Emploi Service Universel (CESU) method of paying for domestic workers: how to register and use it regardless of whether you are and employers or employees.
Working as an Au Pair in France
Information on working as an au pair in France. Details about legal requirements, legal rights, income, accommodation, safety and where to find work
The Auto-Entrepreneur
How to set up as a sole trader or start a small business in France re-selling goods or materials, or offering services. Understand the taxes due, invoicing and book-keeping obligations.
Unemployment and Job Seeking in France
Unemployed? Retrenched? Information on Pôle-Emploi, the French national organisation relevant to unemployment and job seekers
Useful Contacts and Resources
Contact details for organisations and links to resources relevant to working in France.
Helps you to set you up completely in France, from Resident permit to fundraising and mentoring help
The French Tech Ticket is a one year program by the French government to attract gifted and ambitious individuals from all around the world and help them set up and develop their start-up in France
Paris region economic development agency
accelerate your business in Paris, choose-your-incubator from 27 in Paris
The rise of “deep-tech” is boosting Paris’s start-up scene
Earlier investments in infrastructure for start-ups in Paris are starting to pay off (Economist Feb 27, 2017)
Useful information. Paris
Practical information for your business and your stay in France.
Open platform for french public data
Open platform for french public data
20 facts and figures that show just how much the Île de France region has to offer
Paris is second most attractive metropolis for foreign investors and has all the advantages required to take over its economic leadership
The Start-up events, contests and workshops in Paris
The Start-up events, contests and workshops in Paris
Start-up Digest Paris
START-UP Events in Paris
Find the right incubator in France
One year program by the French government to attract gifted and ambitious individuals from all around the world and help them set up and develop their start-up in France
Economic development and innovation agency of Paris
Economic development and innovation agency of Paris in areas: Incubation, International attractiveness, Experimentation, Open Innovation, Event organisation or planning
How to … create my business , manage my business/ (FRENCH)
Consult and pay your CFE and / or IFER deposit notices in your business space.
How to start a business (FRENCH)
Step by step all needed information
the French participatory finance platform of the Agence of Micro Projects (FRENCH)
innovative and solidarity-based initiative incubators
Services and practical information (FRENCH)
Services and practical information in all catigories
The official website for access to justice in Paris (FRENCH)
It allows persons who may have recourse to justice:
To obtain useful information on the most frequent procedures,
d e know the court or competent service, how to grasp, and the documents required, depending on the treated process.
To be able to initiate a procedure more quickly by being better informed.
An information site, under the responsibility of the Information and Communication Department of the Paris City Hall.(FRENCH)
Services and practical information in all catigories